For those reasons and more, she deserves more support and attention than she has been receiving. Those sensibilities do inform the contours of her policy proposals. Taylor once lived in the Pink Houses, she has a lived, felt experience with public housing. Taylor has said she believes that NYCHA should offer a form of resident management. Nydia Velázquez (D-NY 07) that would fully-fund the backlog of capital repairs in the entire Nation’s public housing stock. Subsequently, she has separately expressed support for H.R. She has also called for a form of “condo conversion” of public housing to those, who could afford it, but she did not offer a plan to fund all outstanding capital repairs. She also firmly opposed the Blueprint plan to convert all remaining Section 9 housing into Section 8 that rely on the use of tenant protection vouchers (that were later discredited by U.S. She firmly opposed RAD/PACT conversions, which allow private landlords to take over the management of public housing. Taylor was the most affirming of the need to save public housing. We offer this commentary only as a summary of the notes reflected on our spreadsheet. As a result, we will not be providing any ranked-choice list of the 2021 New York City mayoral candidates. Fight For NYCHA does not make political endorsements.

Fight For NYCHA took notes and updated the spreadsheet for this re-release. Only three, courageous candidates showed up for our Mayoral Forum : Aaron Foldenauer, Joycelyn Taylor, and Isaac Wright, Jr. Fight for NYCHA is again sharing a spreadsheet that originated from our Mayoral Forum held on.